Monday, October 17, 2011


Funniest game EVER!  So what it is is you lay down 9 note cards (labeled numbers 1 through 9) and put some sort of food, like goldfish or M&Ms, on each of them.  Then you send a person out of the room and everyone else picks a goldfish to be Pete.  The person re-enters the room and starts eating the goldfish, one at a time.  When the person picks up the goldfish that is Pete, and begins to put it in their mouth, everyone is supposed to scream, "Don't eat Pete!!"

Basically the entire game is one big anxiety attack.  Its kind of stupid but everyone has fun yelling and watching the person jump a foot.  My FHE group played it today and it was super fun.

Also, last week FHE was at out Bishop's house, we just hung out and ate food.  That was pretty fun too.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Picture Storytelling

This was week 2.  I divided everyone up into groups of 3 or 4 then sent them out to take 10-15 pictures.  The pictures had to be random and creative and they had to include as many people from the group as possible in them.  They had 45 minutes to take these pictures then they had to meet back at the apartment.

Once back at the apartment we put all the pictures onto a computer then each group swapped.  Group 1 would make up a story, based on the group 2's pictures.  Then group 2 would do the same for group 3, and so on.  Then maybe vote on the best pictures or the best story, that part isn't important.  What is important is the 45 minutes that the people in your group are having fun and getting to know each other.  That is what makes this such a great activity.

Day 1: Classic Starbursts

Probably one of the most familiar FHE activities is when you pass a bowl of starbursts around and everyone grabs some.  Each color starburst has a different question attached to it and the people have to answer the questions that they "drew."
Ex: "What do you miss most about being a kid?" "What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?"

This activity is a good first because it gives everyone a small insight into each other's lives and characters.  So basically its just a get-to-know-you game.

BUT make sure you put a limit on how many questions they need to answer (like 2).  Otherwise the game lasts FOREVER.  (that was my mistake.)

So This Is Whats Happening

So...this blog is mainly just for myself, and any other confused and conflicted FHE parents from BYU out there.

I haven't been given an FHE "husband" yet so I've been planning all the activities on my own...its hard to think of ideas and even harder to think of ideas that you can do that people will like.  So I've decided to keep track of all the activities to date and evaluate how they well they went.